Savino Brothers Hardwood Flooring Contractors Inc. w Ardsley

Stany ZjednoczoneSavino Brothers Hardwood Flooring Contractors Inc.



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633, Saw Mill River Road, 10502, Ardsley, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-693-0360
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.010337, Longitude: -73.848906

komentarze 5

  • Richard Jacobson

    Richard Jacobson


    These guys are the best of the best. I'm someone who pays attention to detail and they went above and beyond. They aren't the least expensive but the value was well worth it. Couldn't be happier! Thank you!

  • Brian Cohen

    Brian Cohen


    Courteous, professional and neat. I've hired Savino brothers a few times over the years and each time the job has been completed accurately and on time. I highly recommend them.

  • en

    John Montuori


    I've used Savino Brothers on six different renovations in the last 20 years and every time they did a great job. The brothers themselves and their workers are very professional and competent. They gave me a price, stuck to it, and also came when they said they were going to come. The floors look great and as an added bonus, they have a huge vacuum attached to their equipment so that the dust is minimal. I highly recommend them and in looking at the other reviews, I can see that I'm not alone.

  • Usman Farman

    Usman Farman


    Frank, his brother, and their crews are just great. They always treated our home with respect, were extremely clean, knowledgeable, and patient with our questions - and prompt to respond. We worked with them twice, first to sand down our existing floors and redo them, as well as putting new floors down in the house. I'd use them again, and recommend them in a heartbeat.

  • en

    Michael Funaro


    Savino brothers hardwood flooring is great! I hired them to sand around 1000 square feet of hardwood flooring, over three phases. They were very easy to schedule with, very accommodating, and did a good job. Their employees really care about the work and stay at it until they get results. The attention to detail is outstanding and they really don't stop until they get every little detail just right. Their prices are also reasonable. The dustless system is great and results in very little dust. It's not completely dustless but its much better than a non-dustless system, and they clean up very thoroughly before they leave. Again, 5 stairs. Great communication all through the process.

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