Sauvie Island Coffee Company w Beaverton

Stany ZjednoczoneSauvie Island Coffee Company



🕗 godziny otwarcia

14647, Southwest Millikan Way, 97003, Beaverton, Washington County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 503-747-6021
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.49528, Longitude: -122.8281911

komentarze 5

  • frank klatil

    frank klatil


    Very friendly staff. Good coffee and I really appreciate that they give you credit if you bring your own cup. The way to go to reduce waste. I'll be coming again. And BTW the wifi password has no caps 😉

  • Richard Staats

    Richard Staats


    Delicious coffee and gluten free options. Come here if you want to sit a while and enjoy a cup or the smell of the fresh roasted coffee they make in house.

  • F Fox

    F Fox


    This has been our favourite coffee shop for several years. Lovely sitting outside in summer, they have resident hummingbirds who make it especially cool. The staff are great, my 3 year old loves coming in for stickers and hot chocolate. Good food selection and dietary requirements are covered. Coffee is high quality.

  • Abbie Lu

    Abbie Lu


    Great little coffee shop in Beaverton with plenty of Indoor and outdoor seating. The have lots of milk alternatives and Sugar free flavors. Staff was very friendly. I came here on a whim just looking for a coffee shop while I needed to do some waiting, and I was pleasantly surprised. They did a good job.

  • Elliot López

    Elliot López


    Yes! We are so happy to have found this place: they KNOW what they are doing! The coffee is out of this world and we love how GOOD their milk tastes paired with their in-house roasted coffee—AND I even believe that it is organic too! 😮 My only request is that the in-house cups get filled completely—gotta enjoy this coffee as much as I am allowed—and that the latte art is consistent even though that it isn’t as important as a full cup.

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