SAS Shoes w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneSAS Shoes



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617, West Bell Road, 85023, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 602-789-1885
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Latitude: 33.6396294, Longitude: -112.0818433

komentarze 5

  • Jeffrey J. Quatrone E.A.

    Jeffrey J. Quatrone E.A.


    Great customer service. Quality shoes that are made in the USA. I had a rivet come loose in a pair I bought 7 months ago exchanged for a new pair no questions asked.

  • en

    Jai R


    I took my mother shopping for comfort shoes at two different SAS stores in the area. I could not believe that a pair of shoes my mother wanted at the price of $150 were not available IN the store. We would have to order them, return to try the shoes on when the order comes in & decide if she wants to buy them. Not worth the time & travel, so inconvenient. And, we don't live in the Phoenix area. I am being generous in giving SAS a 1 star. Staff are not friendly nor helpful. In both stores the staff gave more smiles, courtesy & going out of their way for other customers & there were very few customers present. Maybe they ignored my 88 year old Mexican/Indian mother because they may have thought she couldn't afford the price of the shoes. Nothing could be further from the truth. My mother arrived with cash in hand to buy any shoe in the store. I'm so glad we didn't buy anything. Product is excellent. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the staff.

  • en

    Nena Williams


    Ok shoe store. Takes a while to get help only one sales person.

  • en

    Curtis Love


    They've got the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn. They also regularly carry difficult to find sizes as I wear a 12 narrow and my wife is a 9 double wide, we were both able to pull shoes off the shelf without having to special order anything. Also great people who work there, very helpful and friendly.

  • en

    Sharon Bolton


    SAS shoes are expensive, but well worth it. Size options are unmatched. So comfortable. The only down side is that they look like comfortable shoes. But did I mention how comfortable they are? Off to buy another pair!

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