Santa's Beauty Salon w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczoneSanta's Beauty Salon



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301, Main Street, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-343-6886
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.887886, Longitude: -74.041132

komentarze 5

  • en

    K C


    Update: My mom has been having a ton of hairloss an constant dryness since our blow out two months ago! It annoys me that this salon took it upon themselves to use something in my mother an Is hair. Since im natural i have mostly suffered a little hair loss because the hair shaft has been weakend from whatever they put in my hair. My mother relaxes her hair every few months an did not need a touch up. so its sick if they don't even have someone educated enough to acknowledge that her hair been previously processed, just because my mom is black she isnt natural and just because we dont speak or understand spanish well do they get to upcharge without set prices for thicker natural hair or do whatever they want to peoples hair! Still really frustated about this since they have done permanent damage just to make it temporarily easy on them. First, let me specify that I'm a licensed Cosmetologist!!! I go here because the blow out is great an last two weeks. My hair has been natural from a relaxer for 3 years now. Each time I go I get a different price. They charge extra for (kinky) natural just to do what they would on a regular client in the same amount of time! And my hair is not even that kinky! When she blew dried my hair there was just tons of smoke which means she was basically air frying my hair! Second issue. The past two weeks since the day I left the salon my hair has smelt burnt and itchy. A week after that I had tons of white flakes on my scalp! Now that it's been two weeks and today was wash day, my hair smells like nasty chemicals and is shedding so much! I haven't seen this much shedding since chemically treating my hair. It still smells like chemicals even after washing it (I shampoo 4 times) since I do hair I know for a fact that it smells like something they use is relaxing the hair. My hair now feels like over cooked spaghetti.

  • en

    princess kaha


    Excellent service, they made me feel beautiful and treated me like royalty! Very affordable prices, although I was charged a little more because I'm natural with 4C African American hair. My hair came out super silky and I love it. Celeste did my hair, she's awesome! This is my new favorite place😊

  • en

    Thomas Degaetani


    Brand new barbershop upstairs. Kid friendly with crayons,Visio games,finger snacks. For the men,wine,Heineken on tap,fax machine,computer,cigars. Hot towel service, double hat towel shaves,fades,anything you would like, we have.prices are comparable all the amenities are included. Haircuts are 15$. Stop in and see for yourself..301 main st Hackensack nj. Free parking off of stats st. 316 st street on the left all the way in the back..

  • en

    Tina Hernandez


    My favorite place for many years. Celeste is so awesome 🤩🤗

  • Renee Daly

    Renee Daly


    Stunning Salon. Owner is great. This salon looks like it belongs on 5th Avenue!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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