Sandy's Country Junction w Clovis

Stany ZjednoczoneSandy's Country Junction



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532, Clovis Avenue, 93612, Clovis, Fresno County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 559-298-1951
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.8233069, Longitude: -119.7009203

komentarze 5

  • Jay Wu

    Jay Wu


    Seems to be a classic location in town serving traditional western breakfast. Big cowboy theme. Staff are kind, food was good. Door kept swinging and cold air kept biting. Probably one of the better and unique potato sides, love it when it’s charred and it’s from the bottom Of the grill

  • Mary Jane Melendez

    Mary Jane Melendez


    I loved the service! They were very friendly! We ordered Bob's breakfast sandwich. The sandwich was huge! It was super tasty and I ordered mine with fries! The server asked us if we wanted ranch and salsa! That was amazing that she asked us. Because I wouldn't have known to ask. It was delicious! The bathroom was clean and I had a great time! Thank you!

  • Sydney Roberts

    Sydney Roberts


    Oh my gosh it’s so yummy. All the staff is so nice. We got seated right away. I got the Italian omelette with hashbrowns and biscuits and gravy. With a cinnamon roll on the side. And my girlfriend got the chicken strips with fries and pancake. Everything was really great.

  • Mónica De Pruneda

    Mónica De Pruneda


    This was my first my time visiting this place. We arrived around the closing time. They didn't mind. The staff was so nice, gave us enough time to order. He did asked us very polite to do our order before the kitchen closed down for the day. The food was delicious. We were able to hang out a little bit after closing time. They weren't rushing us to leave. We ate very comfortable. Next time We will make plans to get there earlier. The place is very clean and very spacious. They have a very nice outdoor dining area. The restrooms are super clean. Parking and location is great! $$ I totally recommended this place for breakfast or brunch.

  • Boricua 100%

    Boricua 100%


    Country cooking diner. Friendly staff and large country style portions. Definitely got our monies worth. We ordered and less than 10 minutes later our food was at our table. Wow..that was fast service. It was hot and exactly how I ordered it. They kept coming by every 5 minutes asking if we needed coffee which was GREAT since I am coffee drinker and I didn't have to look around to find someone to get me more coffee at all. Very attentive staff. They greet you by asking you how you're doing and like a good conversation. Truly a small town hole in the wall gem. The breakfast omg was super delicious and not greasy but quite sizable. Definitely recommend it to people traveling here for the first time just like us. 👍

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