Sands Point Shop en Port Washington

Estados UnidosSands Point Shop



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15, Main Street, 11050, Port Washington, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-767-2970
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8309823, Longitude: -73.6851832

comentarios 3

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    Shawn Han


    Wait for my refund for 16 days, still haven't got it. Emailed them twice and called them twice, no actions taken.

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    Lydia Wilder


    Do not order from this scam website. I ordered my daughter a Christmas gift from them on 12/22 with 2 day shipping. It's 1/16 and I still have't received it. I contacted them around 1/05 and they didn't even seem concerned about my order, just said that "they hadn't received it from Barbour because weather was bad". Then I called back again and they said they sent me an email on status of my order. This email came well after the first call to them. I had to give them one star because it wouldn't let me give a negative. If she wasn't looking forward to the gift, I would have cancelled order and told them to kiss my ***. Never will order anything from them again. Hell I won't even take a gift card from them if they offered, but I know I won't have to worry about that. Do yourself a favor and shop elsewhere even if you have to pay more. It will save you a lot of heartburn. BTW I never give reviews, that's how pissed I am.

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    The person who gift wraps 👎

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