Same Day Dental w Carmel

Stany ZjednoczoneSame Day Dental



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14300, Clay Terrace Boulevard, 46032, Carmel, Hamilton County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 317-300-0577
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.9956243, Longitude: -86.1298366

komentarze 5

  • lupita cruz

    lupita cruz


    My husband had horrible pain from his tooth. It was 9:00pm and we called they told us to come in. Within an 1hour the whole process from filling out the paper work to the procedure was done. Excellent staff compassionate, and they explain everything they will do and as the Dr. DID the procedure she explained everything. Great team work. We love 24 dental and recommend it to everyone. They are so friendly and kind and make you feel really comfortable. Thank you ladies, Mr. & Mrs. Cruz God bless you all.

  • Kevin Mchugh

    Kevin Mchugh


    The staff was very polite and explained all payment options and very well organized! My experience was very good and they also were very comforting when I had two teeth pulled! The process was very quick and not painful at all! Thank you I will come back to get the rest of my teeth pulled!

  • sandi colee

    sandi colee


    My husband had a broken tooth and he was in excruciating pain so we decided to go to 24 Hour Dental Care to have the tooth pulled out. He was seen immediately after completing a small amount of forms compared to the normal book of forms places have you fill out. The employees there were extremely kind and caring. He is very happy with the results even with the normal pain of having a tooth removed he is in high spirits because of how well they treated him there. I would highly recommend them to everyone!

  • Brad Muston

    Brad Muston


    Today is the day after my visit. I had a rear molar tooth that's been cracked for 10 years and never bothered me until 3 days ago, suddenly it was excruciating pain and I suspected it might be infected. I couldn't take it anymore so I scheduled an appointment online for 8:15 pm. Got there, did some small amount of paperwork. They did the x-rays, a small exam, confirmed it needed to be pulled and told me the cost. With my insurance it was extremely reasonable. I've avoided having it pulled for so long due to a horrible experience with a prior dentist that really hurt me. Dr. Dawas was AMAZING, made sure I was taken care of immediately, was quick, efficient and absolutely painless. His staff was extremely friendly as well and it was a polar opposite of what I went through 11 years ago. I'd highly recommend coming here if you need something done. Great people. I can't thank them enough for the service they gave me!

  • Aircon Matt

    Aircon Matt


    Went in on Saturday night with some pretty bad tooth pain. I wasn't sure what to expect as I had never been to any dentist except the family practice I've been going to for years. Anyway, I must say I was extremely impressed! Ended up having to get a root canal. Got x-rays and the root canal done right then, pretty much on the spot. Walked in at 8pm, and out by 11pm and I wasn't the only patient there either. I thought service was very quick and the price was very reasonable. Thanks again to Dr. Hess and all staff. If you need emergency dental work, this is a great place to go.

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