Салс Авто Боди w Saint James

Stany ZjednoczoneСалс Авто Боди



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644, Middle Country Road, 11780, Saint James, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-265-9029
strona internetowej: www.salsautobodystjames.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.859404, Longitude: -73.155599

komentarze 5

  • en

    Samantha Sosa


    Been coming here for minor stuff over the last 6 years but recently had to get my back end fixed after someone hit it. They did an amazing job. I'm really happy. Sal is great, always looking to get you the best deal possible. Highly recommend. The price is right.

  • en

    Sal Militello


    Recently had the rear hatchback door of my 2015 Toyota Rav4 replaced after some damage in a car accident. The staff was easy to deal with, professional, and friendly. My car was dropped off and picked up a few days later. Looks good. However, I discovered the next day the power hatchback door feature was not working properly. I guess they may have not tested it after installing the door. I got around to bringing it back two weeks later, dropped it off and I was picking it up two hours later. They rectified the problem quickly and to my satisfaction. The woman at the front desk made it easy and painless, remembered me from my original visit, was friendly, and made my day. I own a business and I know mistakes happen. But I also know if you rectify them quickly and make it painless for the customer they will appreciate it. I clearly see why Sal's Auto Body is very successful. Thanks guys!

  • Alexander Paykin

    Alexander Paykin


    Great staff, great work and they really know how to deal with insurance companies. Always arrange great rental cars too!

  • Bruno Dantas

    Bruno Dantas


    If I knew Sals auto body could do such an amazing job, I would have crashed my car a long time ago. Gaps are perfect, colors match, paint job is immaculate, thing line up that have never lined up before. 10/10 would crash again.

  • en



    After my daughters brand new car was hit in the parking, Sal's Auto Body made it look and ride like it did when she drove it out of the showroom. Their staff is so helpful and friendly. Made this experience less stressful. I Definitely recommend everyone to use this shop.

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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