Salon Joseph w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneSalon Joseph



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600, West McGraw Street, 98119, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-285-1113
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Latitude: 47.639812, Longitude: -122.3652

komentarze 5

  • Cristi Chapman

    Cristi Chapman


    Heather is the best!

  • en

    Reed Middleman


    Salon Joseph is always so welcoming and pleasant from the moment you walk in! Their customer service is fantastic, and I look forward to going back. I've had Jennifer both times I went in, and each time I loved the result!

  • en

    Christian Burgell


    I have had the pleasure of receiving 2 services here. I got a wonderful asymmetrical bob with perfect graduation in the back. I have very thick hair with some texture curls and waves. Cassandra (Casper) did such fantastic work that it looks great straight or air dried. She really put a lot of effort and precision in my cut. I also had a sitter cancel last minute on me so I had to bring my 4 year old with me. The staff and owner were so sweet to her! Joseph gave her a special brush for curly hair that she adores and now insists that she must use it to do get own styles every day. I came back a week later to get color done with Joseph and Casper. My hair has never been so fantastical! Joseph did a balayage over my dark brunette hair with beautiful lapis blue and violet. They went over it with a gloss that had straight violet in it that blended the colors and made my hair so shiny! The end result is a magnificent oil spill on black pavement effect. It glimmers and glistens in the sun with total radiance! As soon as I left the salon someone yelled from their car they loved my hair!

  • Kimberlee Burfiend

    Kimberlee Burfiend


    I am thrilled I found this jem. David listens AND understands my hair. He is AMAZING with cut and color. I love the Balayage he has done for me with purple. I have been looking for years for a hair stylist that could give me the color that I want and I finally found it!

  • Dana Prouty

    Dana Prouty


    I had my hair cut and balayaged by Jennifer. I picked her because I read on the salon website that balayage was her specialty. I wanted a natural ombré look. What I got was a chunky and lumpy looking all over foil and the worst hair cut I've ever had. Jennifer even noticed the blobs of random bleached color in my hair and said she would fix it, but she never did. The haircut I received made my hair unmanageable and unruly. I went back to get the cut fixed because my hair just didn't sit well anymore. Jennifer thanked me for the feedback and blended the ends to help it sit better. The blending actually just made my hair look messy and in need of a haircut. It still did not sit well. I also asked for my hair to be curled after one of the times I went. She said she would if there was time. She said this while blow waving my hair straight. Then said we were out of time. Jennifer seems like a lovely person but her work was sub par. I gave her two chances. I will not be going back.

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