Salon G en Hackensack

Estados UnidosSalon G



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441, Passaic Street, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-488-5711
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8989142, Longitude: -74.055968

comentarios 5

  • Jamie Noriega

    Jamie Noriega


    Jen is amazing! I started going because of Groupon but I won't leave because of her! She is always on time and does my hair wonderful everytime! Go to her asap!

  • Nicole Marie E. Lavecchia

    Nicole Marie E. Lavecchia


    I was very skeptical about purchasing a Groupon deal for deal to begin with, but with trusting someone else to touch my hair. After reading reviews about the salon, I called the salon and asked the questions that I needed to allow myself to follow through. I went with my gut and asked for Danielle as some customers had recommended her and liked her work. I was not only pleased that she took time to talk to me, but explain everything that she was going do and she made sure that I was comfortable the entire time. She was straight forward and honest with me the whole time I was there. I would recommend this place I do see myself going back there again, possibly switching stylists. Also the prices are fairly prices, but I guess seeing a price range of $40-$55 for a haircut is the normal price these days.

  • Maryanne Caruso

    Maryanne Caruso


    Great atmosphere, amazing staff very professional and friendly.

  • Nicole Diehl-Kliemann

    Nicole Diehl-Kliemann


    Got a group on to come here for my hair and they were wonderful! Everyone was friendly and they have refreshments while you are getting your hair done. Also my hair looked and felt great!

  • Jose Cruz

    Jose Cruz


    Love the way my hair came out! It was a great experience. The staff was very friendly and made me feel comfortable! I will be returning over and over.

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