Salon De Leo en Glen Rock

Estados UnidosSalon De Leo



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10-15, Maple Avenue, 07452, Glen Rock, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-857-4240
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9515052, Longitude: -74.1361108

comentarios 5

  • Cher Ben

    Cher Ben


    My first visit and Leo fixed a very bad haircut and blew it out. I always leave salons w wet hair due to the fact I never like the blow outs. This was amazing. Didn’t come out and wash it again so I could style. Loved the cut and style..thanks again and looking forward to seeing you next month for a color. Staff amazing as well..very very friendly . Felt like I had been a customer if there’s for years.

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    Sherene Yousef


    I just left salon de Leo this place made my hair look and feel amazing, He did a beautiful natural ombré look with a cut that looks amazing!! I’m so happy I will be going back for keratin hair treatment to keep my hair looking health

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    Mary Schiazza


    I think Salon the Leo is one of the Best in Bergen County. I would highly suggest.

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    Joanna Williams


    I was very hesitant to try a new salon since my old hairdresser retired. But I am so happy I found this salon. The salon environment is so friendly and clean. Makes you want to spends hours here. The staff is even friendlier. This salon is a full service salon. They literally do everything you can possibly think of. If you want a homemade full body wax and scrub I would recommend seeing Jumana. She’s so professional and friendly. She also does henna tattoo on the eyebrows along with threading. I love it here! If I could give this salon a 10 star rating I would. Don’t miss out! Just give them a try and you will be obsessed like me.

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    It was my first time and I love it! The best haircut I have ever got. Very professional and friendly staff. I definitely will come back and I highly recommend it👌🏻👍🏻

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