Salon Beyond en Carle Place

Estados UnidosSalon Beyond



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582, Westbury Avenue, 11514, Carle Place, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-294-6790
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7516049, Longitude: -73.6023876

comentarios 5

  • en

    Barbara Miller


    Went in today for the first time. Trish did my hair and I was very pleased with the cut. You have to understand I have been going to someone for over 25 years and he is away so for me to say Trish is amazing is an unheard of compliment. I will definitely go back.

  • Stephanie Abrams

    Stephanie Abrams


    I always get great results with Vicky. I recently had a touch up, a full head of highlights and a haircut. She is excellent! The salon is lovely and everyone there is very friendly and it's a great atmosphere.

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    Kate Henne


    Nothing less than perfect. I've been going to Salon Beyond for haircuts since they opened in Garden City and followed when they moved to Carle Place. The staff is so talented and always working to continue their education. I recommend Salon Beyond to anyone who asks for a local place. Definitely worth the visit.

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    Maria Damadeo


    I have always had positive experiences at Salon Beyond. Tina gives the best manicures I have ever had. The staff is very nice in making customers feel welcome. The salon hours and parking are convenient.

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    Beth Tomao


    Have been going here for eight years and live it!!! The service is great and you can't beet the prices!!! I've gotten my hair cut and styled as well as versions spa treatments and I don't have a complaint about one of their services!! I would recommend Salon Beyond to anyone!!

Salón de belleza más cercano

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