Safelite AutoGlass i Bay Shore

Forenede StaterSafelite AutoGlass



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1782, Union Boulevard, 11706, Bay Shore, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 877-664-8932
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.72526, Longitude: -73.248641

kommentar 5

  • en

    Scott Sferrazza


    Very rude. I had a 11 oclock appointment and at 1125 when nobody said anything I calmly asked what was the purpose of an appointment when Im sitting here waiting without even a word from anyone. Then the technician was very rude and yelling and refused to work on my car even when his boss told him too. Finally after my truck ran outside for another 15 minutes someone started the work. Not even a apology even after speaking to the owner. Not a way to earn peoples business.

  • Shakeida McCullough

    Shakeida McCullough


    Great place! Very friendly staff! They were very efficient and quick!

  • en

    N M


    Most unprofessional service I’ve ever received. Took a day off work for a mobile appointment, which I waited over a week for .They showed up with the wrong windshield (their mistake) and then wanted me to reschedule for another week later. Oh, and did I mention driving over my reseeded lawn?? even though it was clearly marked with flags. All worked out in the end, as I went to the service center for my vehicle dealership, and ended up getting everything done with no hassle at 54% of the quote from Safelite.

  • en

    Jageshnauth Mahabir


    Great service from staff an in workmanship, next day replacement after someone key my windshield driver side.

  • Kick It Kickboxing

    Kick It Kickboxing


    My window has been broken for over a week now. They have given me the run around since day one. They said they would come the next day and repair my window. They then called the next morning saying they didn't have the window in stock and it would take a few days. A few days passed and I didn't hear anything from them. I called and they said that the manufacturer doesn't have any windows for my car and it would take a few months to get a window. How am I supposed to wait a few months?! I asked for a temporary window and they agreed but said they would not come to me because they are too busy and that I have to bring the car to them. I said fine because I need a window but, they are still giving me the run around and won't give me a time to bring the car in. I am extremely annoyed over this! Very poor customer service

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