Safe 1 Credit Union i Bakersfield

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSafe 1 Credit Union



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400, Oak Street, 93304, Bakersfield, Kern County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 877-723-3128
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.361647, Longitude: -119.038044

kommentar 5

  • Darla Bramlette

    Darla Bramlette


    Always a pleasure to walk into. Safe One has the nicest employees!

  • Andres Rangel

    Andres Rangel


    Worst bank ever, suspects all its customers of theft so they put 7 day hold on checks. Every other bank doesn't so they're trash. They act like they don't have your info to track you down if not. Store 400 worst customer service imaginable. Complete waste of time to those of us that aren't rich like them.

  • Yolanda Gutierrez

    Yolanda Gutierrez


    The area is unsafe after hours. Lots of transients on the property. Atm damaged, making it more difficult to access after hours. Secure after hour Atms need to be installed inside were members can use their cards to enter and be safe. Th

  • David Slocumb

    David Slocumb


    They forced me to create an account with a minimum of $25 in order to get a car loan. After that, they decided my account was "inactive" and they'd charge me monthly fee until my account was depleted. Their reason in the letter? It was a "cost reduction technique." It's only $25 but it's pretty shady that they just decided "Hey he hasn't touched this money in a while, so it's ours now"

  • Alexis Alonso

    Alexis Alonso


    You guys can thank "Sydney" for running away business. Went in to try and apply for a car loan, and was told that I needed a PHYSICAL COPY of proof of address and PAYSTUB. Now days everything is electronic, direct deposit etc. But she couldn't print out my info for me "and we don't have an email for you to send it to". I'll take my business else ware. Make sure you call before you go, ESPECIALLY if you live far, like me smh.

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