Sachet w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneSachet



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4270, Oak Lawn Avenue, 75219, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 214-613-6425
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8214593, Longitude: -96.8020033

komentarze 5

  • Danny Veliz

    Danny Veliz


    A beautiful space and great food. This place is all about atmosphere and experience... a very nice spot

  • en

    Howard Fields


    There were six of us and the service was not the best, but good. The food was very good. The signature cocktails weren't that good, just average. The reason I am giving this restaurant 4 stars is because of the wine list and the knowledge of the staff regarding the list. We had a Lebanese wine that was recommended for us and it was the highlight of our evening. So, if you are a person into eclectic mediterranean wines, this place is for you.

  • en

    Jeremy Pick


    I know, I know, everybody gives Sachet "5 stars." I suppose I am contrarian by nature, but having read all the rave reviews, I was excited to try this restaurant. I am a hotel concierge, so I try ( and recommend ) many upscale Dallas eateries. A party of three of us ate there last month. we had three entrees and three appetizers. the food was perfectly acceptable, but totally unexceptional. the server was condescending, never introduced herself, totally perfunctory. there are way too many tables in the restaurant, so that you must turn sideways, when exiting, if you are seated against the wall, apologizing to the patrons at the adjacent table, for bumping against them. when we departed, the greeter asked how we enjoyed it. I replied, "not too impressive." He replied, "I understand." he made no attempt to ask what was not right. that vignettte seems to perfectly embody Sachet: "here we are; we're awesome. just read all the reviews. I was hugely disappointed.

  • Mark Rado

    Mark Rado


    Love Sachet! Steve and Alison who started Gemma have done it again. The wine selection is unique and the small dishes are great for sharing. We like the assortment of gin tonics. Not a fan of their house made tonic, but they offer other options. The patio is going to be great once they get some tables as it’s large and quiet and opens to the bar. Chelsea the manager and the rest of the staff is very welcoming and attentive.

  • Alex Blaeser

    Alex Blaeser


    Food is good. The service is unbelievable slow. We had a group of four and it took 3 hours for 3 courses. Not worth the wait.

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