S. H. Kim U.S. Tae Kwon Do i McLean

Forenede StaterS. H. Kim U.S. Tae Kwon Do



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1400, Chain Bridge Road, 22101, McLean, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 703-442-3232
internet side: www.shkimtkd.com
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Latitude: 38.9351399, Longitude: -77.1765044

kommentar 5

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    Master is a slave of money. And if you are considering registration, you should line out all the contract. There are some poison clause and you can not cancel the contract until the expiration.

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    We've only had a good experience at S.H. Kim's. We've been going there for about 2 years now (grew up doing taekwondo, myself) and we feel it is the more genuine and true to TKD studios that we've seen (not gimicky like some others). It seems authentic and the head of the studio seems genuinely interested in the students' learning of proper taekwondo. We've had a positive experience here!

  • Tadas UR

    Tadas UR


    My daughter is learning here and she loves it. Master Kim and his staff are very professional and do know how to communicate with kids. My daughter wants to come here every time, she gets so exited after classes, wants to learn more. I would recommend this place for kids from beginners to advanced, also youth and adults. My colleague was taking classes here with four sons and they all were satisfied and got black belts

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    Richard Thielen


    I have read the reviews and I am a little surprised. I have an 8 year old son and a 6 year old daughter that have been taking classes with Master Kim and his staff for almost 3 years. I am very happy with the instruction that the children received. I think that Master Kim is wonderful with the kids; he has a good balance of when to be playful with the kids and when to command their respect. I can't speak to the contract issues that others have referenced. I can tell you that my kids love attending class (twice a week) and I plan to keep them enrolled until they choose otherwise.

  • Craig Wanke

    Craig Wanke


    My son and I have been studying here together for 4 years now, and absolutely love it. The instructors are all top notch, great with kids, and understand the constraints of us older folks in doing certain activities. We have both gotten much stronger and more flexible, and for my son, it has built not only his physical skills - he's much better at other sports now - but also his self confidence and ability to focus. The students in the family class are also very supportive, which makes it easy for new students to get involved and feel at home. Master Kim is wonderful at motivating the students, selecting instructors, and keeping it interesting. He really enjoys teaching TKD and it shows. Some negative reviews seem to focus on cost and contract issues. I agree that new students should be clear on the cost of instruction, tests, and equipment - the sport is not cheap. But I have always found Master Kim to be honest and up front about costs, and I have found the results well worth the investment. Class sizes are quite reasonable and suitable for effective instruction. We intend to continue our study there and highly recommend this school.

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