Ruston Spraypark i Tacoma

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRuston Spraypark



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Tacoma, WA 98407, USA
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 47.300048, Longitude: -122.5050906

kommentar 5

  • Philippe Bower

    Philippe Bower


    After watching a movie my partner and I always walk around the spray park. Lots of places to eat, visit, and make memories

  • Karlee Breunig

    Karlee Breunig


    Coolest splash pad around. Not only does this place have a really adventurous splash pad for kids they always have exciting events for the entire family. Nearby there is a theater, plenty of restaurants, some shopping, with beautiful views of the waterfront and the mountain. You can also rent a variety of bikes for the family to play on.

  • Joseph Rodriguez

    Joseph Rodriguez


    Great place for the kids! Feels safe and surround by lots of things!

  • mariely valdes

    mariely valdes


    This is a beautiful place, with music and now during the summer they have free outdoor concerts every saturday dedicated to various genres. There's lots of restaurants, bike rentals, kids spray park and playground and the atmosphere is very lively yet relaxing.

  • Joe McDonald

    Joe McDonald


    What a great place for the family. Lots of walking to do along the Waterfront. The spray park is not always running . Make sure to see it at night when it's lit up. The water park is not a traditional water park. It is not something you have to pay for. It's more functional art that the kids can play in.

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