Russo Nail Inc en New York

Estados UnidosRusso Nail Inc


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2031, Forest Avenue, 10303, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-448-1601
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6264987, Longitude: -74.1570635

comentarios 5

  • ray Ortiz

    ray Ortiz


    The wife didnt like the service

  • Erika Nunez

    Erika Nunez


    This is a gel manicure from 2/19. Today is 2/23. The chipping started 2 days after. Keep in mind I’ve done minimal chores and dishwashing. This is all because he painted over my cuticle so naturally it started bubbling up. While at the salon i mentioned it looked clumpy to which he replied “need second coat”. No. If you can’t get a gel manicure right you shouldn’t be in business.

  • en

    General Ghost


    No stars just had to put one in order to post this. I miss there best nail tech she moved. The did my nails and I asked to soak them because I didn't want them to break and he said it would be easier to take off with a fake nail he ended up breaking two nails. I went back today to get a fill and he couldn't even speak to me directly in English he tells his wife he wasn't going to do my nails because I got mad at him last time he did them. Really you just lost a customer. Don't get mad cause you did your job wrong, you suppose to make sure your customer is always happy so they come back.

  • Emily Joe

    Emily Joe


    Am giving them one start because They are so disrespectful, don't know how to talk to customer and they mess up my toes nail and didn't even apologies and they also tried to kick me out of the store because I was speaking my mind👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾

  • en

    Love Peace


    Racist they didn't wanna serve me . Unfair don't recommend at all .

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