Russell's Jewelers i Seattle

Forenede StaterRussell's Jewelers



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4551, California Avenue Southwest, 98116, Seattle, King County, US Estados Unidos
kontakter telefon: +1 206-932-2112
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 47.5614848, Longitude: -122.3870186

kommentar 3

  • Steven Lyerla

    Steven Lyerla


    I've taken many pieces of jewelry to Russell's, rings to be re-sized, necklaces and bracelets to be shorten and sometimes just stuff that needs to be cleaned. He is always ready to take whatever it is I need done and always 100% of the time has it ready when he says it will be if not sooner. As far as I'm concerned, he's my jeweler and has a loyal customer for life.

  • Bradley Zefkeles

    Bradley Zefkeles


    Russell's Jewelers are amazing! I took my partners 25+ year old watch in to see if they could make a new crystal face for it. They were able to get a factory replacement , cleaned and serviced the workings and polished the watch and band. It looks stunning. They are true craftsmen. I will use them again and recommend them to all my friends. Thank you Russell's Jewelers. I wish I could give you ten stars!

  • R Lazar

    R Lazar


    I love taking my watches here for battery change & repair - they are the sweetest people and prices are reasonable. Can't imagine going anywhere else!

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