Rudolph, Baker, & Associates. w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneRudolph, Baker, & Associates.



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419, 19th Street, 92102, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 619-235-0010
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.709749, Longitude: -117.1464034

komentarze 5

  • en

    Daniel Lopez


    I'm so grateful that head attorneys James Rudolph and David Baker are very experienced in immigration and criminal defense matters becuz luckily I had there card when one of my close family members was detained. Mr. Baker got the case dropped and now he has a chance to live here legally thanks to Rudolph's immigration team. Thank You!!! GOD BLESS !!!!!

  • Elizabeth Velazquez

    Elizabeth Velazquez


    Just wasted my money with them and I wanted to stop the process and i told them to do so and they kept it open for a year ...who knows if the closed the case already 😠😡 bad service they never answer the phone....they only steal your $$.... They dont deserve not even 1 🌟

  • en

    Beatriz Martinez


    I could like to know my husband got deported by a judge in Texas in 2013 for ten years is there any way you could help him? I'm a permanently resident but we have four children together and my oldest is twenty-one years old all of our kids are USA Citizens is their any chance she could put paper-work for her dad? Also my husband has try to come over like six times and immigration officers have got him is there anything we could do to being him back home to us here in California?. Thank you,

  • en

    Sergio Padilla


    I had a great experience at R B and Associates. I entered the office with hesitation, not knowing what to expect. I was promptly greeted and explained what could be done to help my case. I was given a few options, other attorneys had only given me one option. The attorney was able to answer all my questions and give her advice. The attorney general as well versed and very knowledgeable. Thanks Rudolph Baker and Associates, you really helped me out and it is because of your awesome attorneys that I was able to get a favorable outcome of my case!

  • en

    Salomón Bautista


    Bad experience and terrible service totally unprofessional. I visit there office in Tijuana to help me on a TN visa and my boss and me was assured by the lawyer that I will have it after they worked on it. The result it was denied by the consulate. Me and my boss called several times the lawyers direct number, cell number and office number plus Emails to and did not answer until 2 days later. I went to their office with the information they requested and the consulate provided and was told that they will appeal or do something else but nothing ever happened for a month and 1/2 and we (Me and my boss )called again several times but could never reach the lawyer even by Email. Totally disappointing I expected much more professionalism and commitment from you to us. Would never recommend!!!

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