RPL Plumbing and Heating i Greenwich

Forenede StaterRPL Plumbing and Heating



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453, Old Post Road 3, 06830, Greenwich, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 203-609-1016
internet side: www.rplplumbingheating.com
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Latitude: 41.019476, Longitude: -73.644489

kommentar 5

  • Pattyann Oloughlin

    Pattyann Oloughlin


    The absolutely best .Thank You Nick~

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    Paul D'Ambrosio


    Terrible! They came out in an emergency and replaced a part for my boiler. Still didn't work. They said it needed a different part that they had trouble locating. I found it that day at my local store. Then miraculously they found it. Put the part in still didn't work right. Said I needed a different part. Still doing the same thing. When I called they said I would be first customer of the following morning. Waited till noon,no phone calls,nothing! Said I may need a different part and repair guy would be there soon. It also took a week to have them e mail me my invoices. Apparently their iPad is able to charge your credit card but not send a receipt. If you are talking to the guy on the phone...he's lying. I cought him in numerous lies. If he's speaking....he's lying. You've been warned Beware!!!!!!

  • Margaret Madden

    Margaret Madden


    Awful. Unfortunately I hired them to replace my boiler and have nothing good to report They are unprofessional and seem to have no clue what they're doing.

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    unfortunately these guys are not good. don't use them. move on

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    Suzanne Miranda


    Though they came in an emergency, they took their time and had to come back the next day for a clogged kitchen drain. They were very, very expensive! Called back a few days later about a problem related to the repairs they and said they'd be there 3:00 the next day. No show!

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