Roza Beauty Salon w Albertson

Stany ZjednoczoneRoza Beauty Salon


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1137, Willis Avenue, 11507, Albertson, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-625-3519
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7746609, Longitude: -73.6500107

komentarze 2

  • en

    Rodney Sani


    This is my new spot. Everyone is friendly and helpful. Roza is my stylist and she is amazing. Great salon.

  • en

    Lily H


    Roza is the worst hair stylist and makeup artist. DO NO HIRE HER FOR YOU WEDDING! I hated the way I looked for my wedding. Ziba film recommended her to me because she is across the street and one of their own irannis. I was better off doing my own hair and makeup! She has no high end makeup all cheap revlon and maybelline products. She gives you attitude and expects a 50% tip. I do not recommend her for iranni, afghan, caucasian, or any other ethnicity bride or wedding party. She rents a space inside a salon and does not accept credit or mastercard. Everything in cash and upfront. I am soooo frustrated that I convinced myself to go to her on the most important day of my life. Stay awayyyy you have been warned! My hair looked like a bee hive and nothing like the pictures I showed her. She told me specifically that a hair and makeup trial was included in the very pricey package as well as a facial the week before. She did not even do a hair trial and said that is extra $50 if you want and she only did one eye for the makeup trial and said my blush and bronzer is based upon the lipstick I buy and bring with me! I purchased by own lashes, lipstick, lip liner, and eye shadow to match my bridesmaid dresses. Whats the point of professional makeup if they have nothing to choose from? I didnt even bother with what she called a "facial" It would have probably irritated my skin from the cheap stuff she uses. I can not believe she ripped me off of $1000 worst money I ever spent coming from the bride that money should have been the best spent on myself on my wedding day! I WILL NEVER GO TO HER AGAIN AND ANYONE WHO GETS RECOMMENDED TO HER BY ZIBA FILM DO NOT TRUST THEM THEY GET THEIR COMMISSION FROM HER!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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