Roth Medical w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneRoth Medical



🕗 godziny otwarcia

9540, East Jewell Avenue, 80247, Denver, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-481-0187
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.6813088, Longitude: -104.8769314

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dave Romero


    I have waited more than 3 months to get my cpap equipment. I still don't have the mask and cushion. BBB and Medicaid claim is my next stop.

  • Laura Schatke

    Laura Schatke


    Apparently they have been trying to call me for several weeks. Not sure who they were calling but it wasn't me. When I called back, I did confirm that they had the correct contact number. Mysterious how they are the only ones who did not get through or leave a message. Two months after the script, I am sitting on perpetual hold... Finally, they can schedule me for next Friday. Um, no. I've waited two months, I am moving out of state next week. It's cute how they play with your life and think nothing of it. I called doctor back and asked for a referral with a national company that does not play with lives.

  • guy l kuehn

    guy l kuehn


    Seem to have frequent turnover in delivery drivers 6th time in 14 months I have had to call about getting a delivery Entire staff takes lunch at the same time and do not answer calls until after 1

  • en

    Stephen Thomas


    I think that a 1.8 rating is beyond generous for this company. Our doctor submitted the referral for our room air test and we never heard from the company. We called to find out what the hold up was and were told that we needed to go and get the equipment ourselves. My wife was told that she could just pick up the equipment there today and would just need to return it afterwards. My wife went all the way there and they didn't have the equipment we needed. The people who answer the phone sound like they hate their jobs. There was no real solution to helping solve their mistake only just repetitive apologies without any solution. I think that their customer service is sub-par at best and I would not recommend this company to anyone.

  • Demetria Isaac

    Demetria Isaac


    No stars!! Poor poor customer service. Very rude on the phone. Took two weeks to get a live person. The women was rude and I would never recommend them. They did not even know I had a co pay before hand. This company sucks badly!!!

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