Ross Dress for Less w Portland

Stany ZjednoczoneRoss Dress for Less



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3900, Southeast 82nd Avenue, 97266, Portland, Multnomah County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 503-771-1209
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.4940791, Longitude: -122.5757749

komentarze 5

  • Stephanie Tillery

    Stephanie Tillery


    I tried to return items with a receipt since I’m visiting and took a side trip to Seattle for a couple of weeks before going back to Texas and since it was 3 days post purchase they would not refund because their is a 30 day policy and instead said they could provide a store credit. I don’t need a store credit when I am providing receipt and items and still have 2300 miles to travel. I will never shop at stores again with Poot or zero customer service. Beware of this location and manager if you are trying to return something because they truly don’t care.

  • en



    Good selection, friendly staff. Problem is, but the store isn't as clean as it could be, and some of the stock is frankly damaged and dirty.

  • Loretha Turman

    Loretha Turman


    Great place to buy a quick outfit. The staff here are helpful. The store is well kept..

  • Brey Lynn

    Brey Lynn


    Awful customer service. After being disappointed they had a super small selection of collard shirts literally only a few I went to the

  • Sheryl Lee

    Sheryl Lee


    I'm very upset. My experience tonight will insure that I never returned to this location. I spent about 30 minutes picking out tops, shoes, and dress. I found 2 pairs of shoes $20. each. I found 4 dress at $15.99 each and I found about 8 tops an arrangement from $9.99- $22.99. I had 7 more top to try on and when I came out she told me I could not go back in. The store was opened for 15 minutes. And she never gave me any warning that the fitting rooms closed early. I ask her before I started trying on close if they were really open till 11:00pm. She said yes, and that she said. I walked out and talk to a lady whom said she was the manager. All she could say was yeah I'm sorry. I will not go back. Customer service come before good price. You all blew it tonight.

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