Ross Dress for Less w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneRoss Dress for Less



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3820, Rainier Avenue South, 98118, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-722-3016
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.5687091, Longitude: -122.2879986

komentarze 5

  • yonatan yossef

    yonatan yossef


    Great catch. You’ll find what you’re looking for and for a reasonable price. From clothing to furniture it is there.

  • Michael Td Roberts

    Michael Td Roberts


    Ross Dress for Less has a good selection of men's clothing, women's clothing, shoes, kitchen & bathroom items, gardening, children's clothes and miscellaneous women's & men's accessories. Easy to notice from the main road, easy access from main road, friendly & helpful staff and a very clean establishment. Ross Dress for Less has good prices for brand name clothing and goods. Tip: If you're looking to find art supplies, spices, brand name shoes, jewelry, bath items or garden supplies then Ross is the place to go to. #localguides

  • en

    Susan Dykstra


    Jeremiah, Elisha and David at this Ross were heroes to my mother was shopping at your Seattle Ross and she was extremely wobbly on her feet. Jeremiah, being incredibly intuitive and thoughtful, was keeping an eye on her while still managing his store, when suddenly she collapsed and luckily, thanks to his diligence, he caught her! Had he not caught her she would have probably hit her head very hard. He then had her sit since she was very off balance, and Elisha was wonderful and kept getting her things she was insistent she still wanted to buy. Jeremiah made the very-smart decision that she was unable to drive and had her call me and I came to pick her up. Had she driven under her own accord I can't imagine what might have happened. Jeremiah helped us all the way to the car, even though he is a manager and I know he had a million things to do. I cannot tell you how much all of this meant to us. My mom is the world to me and had anything happened to her I would be beyond bereft. Thanks to the amazing staff you hired, she is okay and we got her to the doctor today. It turns out she was having mini strokes/TIAs. It would have been far worse without your team's help.




    Depleted selections in the men's shoes always. Lame styles no casual slip on styles. Long lines with usually one or two checkers during peak hours. Also many items like comforters, queen sheet sets and pillows are over priced. Remember this store carries flawed merchandise from major and immitation providers. Should not be charging near retail prices with the daily lack of cashiers. From time to time you can find a bargain on specialty items. More cashiers regularly would make a huge difference if they want my money.

  • Sew Hun

    Sew Hun


    I have never seen disrespectful costumer service ever. Horrible, on due date 05/19/2017 I asked for help at accessories department and a white girl was there. My question was the item I was trying to buy is not labeled as boys or girls so I asked her if she does know, her response is a question that if I'm a boy or a girl?

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