Ross Dress for Less en Portland

Estados UnidosRoss Dress for Less



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1744, Jantzen Beach Center, 97217, Portland, Multnomah County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 503-285-4912
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 45.614101, Longitude: -122.683932

comentarios 5

  • en

    D Barfield


    Terrible today! The kids running in and out the clothes while trying to look through them was very annoying. Mostly parents fault but partly I fault store staff for not saying something. They r the ones losing out! Horrible visit today, simply horrible

  • en

    Jane Cleveland


    Good prices and ok selection

  • SHMeter MAN

    SHMeter MAN


    There's always meth heads in Tweakers just hanging out there. They steal a bunch of stuff but the staff notes and nothing it's crazy.

  • Snow Flower

    Snow Flower


    Better than some that I've been to but the staff could be friendlier and it could be more organized

  • en

    clay fairless


    Corporate Policy on theft mitagation sucks. Don't like going to a store where they let criminals and thieves go without confronting them. Stealing here is basically allowed. Reviewed by Jaymes Fairless. Husband of former employee. Yep. My husband was security and quit because he didn't like not being able to stop people. Even when it's a person they know has stolen in past. Disgusting.

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