Rosenberg & Rodriguez, PLLC w Freeport

Stany ZjednoczoneRosenberg & Rodriguez, PLLC



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87, Church Street, 11520, Freeport, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-442-7310
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.65431, Longitude: -73.5817978

komentarze 5

  • en

    Google User


    Excellent law firm. I cannot say enough good things about it. My other lawyer had the worst performance anxiety. When everything was on the line he kept misfiring like a bad spark plug. Then he kept apologizing by saying nothing like this has ever happened before. I find that hard to believe. He is a man by the name of Peter Cedeno. But enough about him. Rosenberg & Rodriguez is who you want to work with for any case involving family law. I had a phenomenal experience with them and I won't hesitate to recommend them to anyone in search of amazing attorneys who go above and beyond for their clients. You won't be disappointed.

  • en

    Marina Shlez


    I would definitely recommend Laura Rosenberg to my family and friends. She is very knowledgeable, professional and always available to help. She represented me when I got into a car accident. She answered all my questions and got me a great outcome. Most importantly she made the whole process completely stress free. Very trustworthy!

  • en

    Lyudmila Gorelik


    The best law firm in New York city. I was very impressed from the very first time I met with Laura Rosenberg. I was confident right away that this is an attorney who I want to handle my case. She has an amazing staff. Robin Halstrom is one of them. They are very dedicated professionals with a great personality. They treat you like a family member. I highly recommend this firm. If you hire them, you will not be disappointed

  • Kevin Jones

    Kevin Jones


    I would give this Law Firm 10 Stars if I could. They are better than any big Law Firm in Manhattan in my opinion. I called them after an internet search for personal injury Lawyers. The first Law Firm I called was a large well known Park Ave firm. They did not want to take my case. I then called Rosenberg & Rodriguez, and they took my case. I had two broken bones which required surgery with a metal plate & 9 screws, from an accident which I felt was no fault of my own. My case was very difficult to prove due to the circumstances of my accident. At no time was I told I would win anything, as it was clear to me of how difficult the legal issues were. To make a long story short, Rosenberg & Rodriguez won my case, and obtained an outstanding settlement, without having to risk a trial. I can't articulate how happy I am with their performance, and the outcome of my case. I am so happy the first Law Firm did not take my case. I feel I would have just been lost in a pile at a big firm, and would not have had the all out effort that Rosenberg & Rodriguez put in, on my case. These Lawyers are Superstars in my opinion, and I give them my strongest recommendation if you need legal help for an accident. I will be forever grateful to them for winning my case, and for getting me an outstanding settlement amount.

  • en

    Gennady Gelfand


    I'm grateful to Rosenberg & Rodriguez for helping my wife with her car accident case. She received excellent compensation but what was truly impressive is that when an issue with her insurance policy came up years later, they helped us for free. I definitely recommend this excellent law firm to my friends and family.

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