Rosemont w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneRosemont



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2750, Grant Street, 77006, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 713-231-0712
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7451067, Longitude: -95.3905689

komentarze 5

  • Juyuan Reyna

    Juyuan Reyna


    Service was bad had a party reservation with bottle service and no waiters. We had to constantly keep going for sprits. Had to wait at the bar for over 30 min or more to get our drinks ordered and that's with an empty bar I wonder how it would be if it was packet. Very bad service won't go back. This was a group of over 20 people with 2 bottles & no service.

  • Paige Williams

    Paige Williams


    Great snacks/drinks. The inside area here is on the small side; this place is a good spot when the weather is nice. It's a little trick to find the entrance (it's through the stairwell on the back of the building).

  • Stephanie Camacho

    Stephanie Camacho


    Wasnt very crowded and had enough space for everyone. Had comfortable seating. Bartenders were nice. I am giving it 4 stars for the atmosphere really. Had valet parking too so that was a plus. I would come again for sure.

  • Jagmeet Sekhon

    Jagmeet Sekhon


    Excellent space, loved the decor & atmosphere. It wasn't an overly lively night, but our group was about 20-30 people - we helped fill up the space! The staff was great, very accommodating. The drinks were extremely well priced. Thanks to Jo for being patient with all the communication & getting our group set up. I can see this place getting really busy on a warmer night & has a unique offering with their cabana style lounge. I look forward to visiting again.

  • jonathan harrelson

    jonathan harrelson


    I almost want to not rate this because I want to keep it a secret spot just for me. The rooftop bar is amazing and the atmosphere was cool and relaxing. The bartenders we're very helpful and we're having a good time. Drinks can't be beat. Get an adult Capri Sun ;)

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