Room 2 Grow Child Development Center,LLC in Converse

Vereinigte StaatenRoom 2 Grow Child Development Center,LLC



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8316, West Farm to Market Road 78, 78109, Converse, Bexar County, US USA
kontakte telefon: +1 210-661-6816
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 29.495903, Longitude: -98.3236

kommentare 5

  • Jessica Smart

    Jessica Smart


  • en

    traci allen


    The staff and owner are so nice and true blessings. They are wonderful with my son and he adores them. He is learning age appropriate songs and material. He has also picked up a joy for music because of them and I love it. There is nothing that I can complain. They are AWESOME!

  • en

    Christian Bonson


    They are decent people

  • en

    Carpe Omnia


    In my experience, most daycares smell like they just changed a dirty diaper, and your child is usually dirty with food stains (and who knows what else) all over their clothes when you pick them up; not so with this daycare. This is the only daycare I've ever been to that ALWAYS smells and looks clean, and there will rarely be an incident when you pick up your child where he/she is dirty. Also, most daycares have kids locked away in rooms with no windows and nothing to stimulate them, but this one is very open with a lot of light, which seems to make kids feel more comfortable, help them adjust, and is conducive to learning. My son went here and I have a nephew (21 months) currently attending who adjusted surprisingly well. My sister decided to move him from his other (more expensive) daycare b/c he would always fuss when she dropped him off even though he had been there from the age of 2-18 months. At Room 2 Grow he's genuinely happy when she drops him off and seems to be flourishing. Lastly, I was really impressed with their education when my son attended; they provided a real classroom environment for the 3 year olds and definitely prepared him for pre-k. I don't know if that has changed, but the teacher he had was awesome, and their early childhood education was above par! Bottom line, I always recommend this daycare.

  • en

    flower lopez


    You do not want leave your infant here (san antonio,tx on FM78 if your infant is not used to daycare. This daycare has a policy that they give a 1 week trial to see if the daycare is fit for the child; if after 4-5 days your child fails to adapt and cries too much and if the teacher feel is too much stress for her and her other kids than they will terminate your infant for failing to adapt. My 9mos old infant came from nannies, never been on daycare. I got the notice on the 4th day that his last day was going to be the next day of the notice. They told me my baby was crying too much and he couldnt adapt to daycare. That he was causing stress to the other children and his teacher. My complaint is, that you cant expect for children to adapt in 4 days, specially infants or children coming from nannies or from a home(daycare being their first time experience). Children (infants)are expected to cry. At that age they are teething, and they suffer from seperation anxiety. The child care excuse for terminating my baby was because they couldnt let him cry too much because it could be perceived as neglect. You tell me who adapts in 4 days to a big change like it is for babies changing caregivers. The teacher didnt even keep me posted on daily basis how he did . All she did was tell me he cried bit she always said his behavior was normal. She never complaint to me it was stressing and that she felt he wasnt adapting. The Owner of the day care said teachers arent allow to communicate with parents or rather tell them directly that children arent adapting because it can be interpreted that the teachers arent qualiied(which i think thats how it is after this awful experience). They expect a 2 week courtesy notice from parents if children arent returning but they do not give the same courtesy to parents when they terminate children. They offered me a few days to care for my infant after i complaint about the situation, however, i did not want to leave my child where he wasnt wanted " because he was causing to much stress to the teacher by crying too much". I definetly reported this daycare.

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