Rolling Wheels Motors i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRolling Wheels Motors



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5420, New Hampshire Avenue Northwest, 20011, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-726-0047
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.9563217, Longitude: -77.0099576

kommentar 5

  • Gloria Vasquez

    Gloria Vasquez


    Brought a car from here, sales person promised me it was in perfect condition. LIES! Regret buying the car if he was honest about it needing repairs And negotiate price then it wouldn’t have been a bad experience. Overall lesson learned but to whoever is planning to buy from here DONT!

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    Halim Urrahman


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    Kenneth Leonard


    I purchased a 2004 Dodge Durango from this dealer. It only had 150K miles. The ad stated that the engine and transmission was in great condition. The owner even told me that I could drive the truck out of town and wouldn't have any problems. I test drove it and it seemed to be fine. Two days later I had the Maryland Inspection done and the truck needed $2000 worth of work. The technician also told me that the truck was in a major accident. I called to see if I could work something out with the owner and he wasn't willing to do anything. Now two weeks later the transmission is slipping. I called the Federal Trade Commission and found out that car dealers in DC can not sell vehicles "As Is". I will be filing paperwork so that they can investigate this dealer. Stay far away. DON'T DO IT!!! NO MATTER HAD GOOD THE DEAL SOUND!

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    Olubukola Mutair


    My Interaction with the sales person(Shan) was excellent . He was very pleasant and helpful

  • Zachary Straus

    Zachary Straus


    Knowingly sold me a Civic hybrid without a functioning battery. On the one hand, my fault for not doing better research on the car I was buying. On the other hand, they definitely knew what they were doing. Not to be trusted.

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