Rodeway Inn South Miami - Coral Gables w South Miami

Stany ZjednoczoneRodeway Inn South Miami - Coral Gables



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5959, Southwest 71st Street, 33143, South Miami, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 305-667-6664
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 25.705529, Longitude: -80.2909981

komentarze 5

  • Nicole Kuylen

    Nicole Kuylen


    Don't come here they are rude as hell and dirty. It's a trap. You have to pay for parking per night don't waste your money. They don't answer their phone she told me that I couldn't see my room just yet until I paid and I said why so you can screw me with a nasty room? She laughed and said yeah pretty much you get what you get and laughed and would not give me my money back.

  • en

    Lorraine Carroll


    I give this place one star. The staff was rude, the 2nd floor wreaked of urine as one exited the elevator. Room was clean and bedding was nice and comfortable that's what the star is for. Other than that it was not a good experience. The water was luke warm. Bathroom light worked after several attempts. Only needed it for one night. Won't boom this place again.

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    Sheng-Chi Shih


    Very rude front desk and poor management! We booked this hotel through orbitz and have already prepaid for two nights. However, our fight to Miami got canceled due to mechanical issue and we needed to stay in Dallas for one night and arrived to Miami the next day. As soon as we knew our flight got canceled, we called the Rodeway Inn front desk and let them know our situation. We said that we were not able to made it the first night but we were be there for the second night . The front desk promised us to make a note on our reservation, however, the next day we arrived the hotel, the room got canceled for NO REASON by hotel manager. They forced us to pay the new rate for $95/night for the same room(our previous rate through orbitz is $70/night). The entire negotiation is very frustration and the front desk is rude to us. When we ask to speak to the manager, it refuse to talk to us and offer any help. I will never be in this hotel again!

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    Kevin McMillan


    Horrible place to stay!!! Where do I even begin.. - service at the desk was rude -parking garage is very sketchy and unsafe, also the is no elevator access for you and luggage from the parking garage, get ready to go up or down stairs pulling luggage. -air condition almost froze us during the night and there was no way to adjust it! -both room we were in smelled very moldy and like cigarettes -the shower was broke in our first one so we were moved down a floor and of course the water barley came out the shower head -sheets had stains as well as the towels -tv demote was completely broken into three pieces so we couldn’t even watch tv -charged to park and for a safe in the room that doesn’t even work **the only positive I can give this place is where it is located. Close to a lot of places to eat and shop that are reachable by foot, if you can walk about two blocks.

  • en

    Jennifer Garcia


    You get what you pay for! Location is pretty centralized if you’re wanting to travel North/South. Plenty of stuff to do in the area and near Public transportation & Malls. The rooms are not in the best condition. Closet doors were missing at the entrance. The comforters were really thin and don’t cover much. The hidden refrigerator wasn’t working. My access cards deactivated 3 times in one day. The TV wasn't working. The room smelled clammy to the point I had to buy a candle. The garage only opens if the front desk receives a phone call from the gate. These instructions were not given at Check-In so we were a bit thrown on the entry process. Drive slowly into the garage as it is constricted. The third floor parking level was drenched in water which made it feel unsafe when it’s dripping from the ceiling. The towels seem to be restricted; we only got two and they will only swap them out every 3 days unless otherwise requested. The walls are not sound-proof so get ready to hear it ALL. On a positive note, the Hot water is really HOT, A/C works pretty good and the cleanliness is good. This hotel has potential but definitely needs some renovations.

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