Rocsell w Atlanta

Stany ZjednoczoneRocsell


brak informacji

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866, Oak Street Southwest, 30310, Atlanta, Fulton County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 404-758-2167
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7406357, Longitude: -84.4151337

komentarze 1




    I brought my Rolex watch into Rocsell's jewelry store for repair during the first week of Feb 16. Everything was fine for about two weeks but the pin that they replaced fell out. I took it back to the store and told them that the repair was unsuccessful, The young man at the counter took my watch and put it in a envelope and told me that the repair guy would take care of it. I returned a few days later to pick my watch up but the same guy that i gave it to said that the repair guy must have put it some where and he could not find it, ( i think his name was Joe) he told me to come back in a few days, which i did only to find that they still couldn't find my watch. The manager AJ said they were going to check camera and find out what happened, then asked me to come back again. A few weeks went by with them calling me telling me that they were still working on it. I returned to the store on Mar 2nd and informed Aj that i had an engagement and needed my watch replaced asap.. They showed me a bunch used watches that were not Rolexes and tried to give me one as a replacement. Due to my engagement i agreed to take a stainless steel watch with what they said had 7 ct diamonds and sold for 12k. i took the watch that i got from them to another jeweler and was told that the watch was worth 1k, i called Rocsell's that day and told them what the other jeweler told me and they responded by telling that the other jeweler was lying and that it didn't matter anyway because i was only holding their watch for 2 weeks and they were indeed replacing my rolex. Aj then reassured me that he would find a watch just like mine and trade with me within two weeks. I contacted the store by phone then twice by visit on 3 different occasions from March through June 16 and i have yet to receive my replacement Rolex. I believe someone at the jeweler store stole my watch and tried to give me a cheap watch but i will be contacting a lawyer and the police to pursue criminal charges and creating bad press!!

najbliższy Jubiler

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