R.O.C.S. Auto Inc w Belleville

Stany ZjednoczoneR.O.C.S. Auto Inc



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190, Washington Avenue, 07109, Belleville, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-844-1274
strona internetowej: www.rocsauto.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7874845, Longitude: -74.1525891

komentarze 5

  • en

    Michael Prospero


    The sarcastic response to my original review should tell potential customers all they need to know about the owner's attitude toward a first time customer who never had mechanical work done outside of the Porsche dealer. My prior car was a $100,000 plus car at the time still under CPO warranty (Porsche Turbo Convertible), so I think my concern for where it was parked and the parts used in the service is normal. By the way, although you are a service provider, comparing your work to a doctor is laughable and I even question them yes. You should too! I never berated anyone and in fact it was you who treated me as if I lack intelligence with your wise responses to simple questions. This is why one asks questions! In my view, typing a few extra words on a receipt takes minutes, but it took multiple requests and weeks to get it from you with the sarcasm. I spent how much in your shop? Exactly. Parking near the red door? Yes you did tell me this, but you did not tell me to IGNORE THE SIGN on that same door stating no parking, you will be towed. I thought I could possibly be in the wrong spot. Would anyone else be a bit concerned parking a car in a dark alley with a sign stating they will tow your car at night? I think you would. With your attitude and temperament towards people in a customer service oriented business, I am sure you'll do very well. My new Turbo S convertible will never see your shop!

  • Petr Hejl

    Petr Hejl


    Great to deal with, amazing project!

  • en

    Michael Prospero


    Actual mechanical work ok I think so far from one maintenance visit not long ago. First, I called to ask about a drop box and he tells me there is one and where it was, so that's fine. He neglects to tell me where to leave the car. The shop (little did I know) is on a main street in a downtown area and the only place to leave the car is a narrow alley next to the shop with a garage door. So, I figure the car must go there, but there is a sign put up by the owner of the shop stating, do not park here (in the alley) or car will be towed. It was after hours, so I couldn't call the shop (I tried). I ended up calling the police to find out about parking in that spot since it was out in the open with a spotlight on the parking spot. Cop informed me the owner of the shop would have to call to have my car towed. Fine, but it would have been nice if he told his customers where to park when they ask about dropping a car after hours. Also, never received a call or email to tell me, we have your car in the shop, it will be done X. I had to call to check. Leaving an expensive car in an alley and throwing the keys through a mail slot is unnerving, so a call would be nice to put someone at ease. While the car was getting worked on, they took my insurance and registration out of my car and I picked up the car without those documents. So, this could have been bad had I been pulled over for any reason. They did overnight the documents to me once they reached me by email, but I was without them for 2 days. Rich said "they tried to reach me when I left", but um, I have a cell phone and that's the only number they have and my email address (which I have an iPhone, so I would have received it immediately). While the car was being worked on, there was total silence as to when it may be ready, so I had to call to find out. I left a message once and there was no return call. I called back the next day and received my answer. When I picked up the car, Rich said the computer was down, so he gave me a rudimentary, hand-written receipt when I left. He said he would email me the real receipt soon. I had to ask for this real receipt repeatedly via email. I'll get it to you and never seemed to do it. I have a pristine CPO Porsche with 15,000 miles and NEVER had work done outside of the dealership, so I wanted more detail in case I am challenged for some reason later e.g., if used Bosch spark plugs. Then, I get the real receipt and it just says "changed spark plugs", which is typical from his explanation and when I asked for a more detailed receipt, he did provide it. This all took 2+ weeks by the way. However, Rich had to include (in the email) a very sarcastic and ignorant remark about "I should go research auto invoicing or something similar". So, all in all, poor customer service and an owner who feels the need to be sarcastic in emails because he had to type a few extra words in a receipt for a paying (first time customer mind you) customer. I will never return. I shouldn't have to do any research as it isn't my profession to work on cars within warranty and provide invoices/receipts to customers. I spent $1,250 for plugs, oil and filters and the only work I should have to do as a customer is bring the car there, pick it up when it's done and pay for the service.

  • Fred Steel

    Fred Steel


    Great guys for Rolls Royce and Bentley parts. Also very helpful if you are new to the Porche market like me. Sometimes they are hard to get ahold of but that's because they are busy working! I've used them since 2005 when they first serviced my '76 Shadow. Never had an issue with a repair nor a component from them. Even 10 years after its last visit all their work on my Shadow has held up. Look no further then ROCS.

  • en

    David Gibson


    "Absolutely the best" I am so fortunate to have found R.O.C.S to work on my Porsche. They are honest, professional, expert mechanics of classic and late model Porsche and BMW vehicles. Their pricing is very good, and they take the time to communicate and show you what needs to be done and why.Then... they do exactly what they say they will do. They help you appreciate and respect the remarkable engineering of these cars and work to keep the costs of owning one down so you can enjoy it. Their staff took the time to source the right parts for me, find solutions to fit my budget and thoroughly diagnose a complicated problem...all without the giant bill you would get from the Porsche dealer. I live over an hour away from the R.O.C.S shop. I don't mind the drive from Cherry Hill NJ (near Philadelphia) to bring them my car because they sincerely know what they are doing. It is worth the trip because and I can trust them 100% to fix any mechanical issues, stand behind their work, and make exceptional performance improvements as well. Rich and Victor run a first class operation. I have never written a review online but felt compelled to share what a great experience I have had working with them and what a great shop this is. Best wishes.

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