Rockbot Studios w Jacksonville

Stany ZjednoczoneRockbot Studios



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728, Acosta Street, 32204, Jacksonville, Duval County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 386-793-5557
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Latitude: 30.3174643, Longitude: -81.6926638

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brian Keating


    My band has worked with Josh of Rockbot Studios several times and it's always been an absolute blast! We call him a wizard because he works magic with the music! He always helps us zone in on exactly what we're wanting to accomplish. We've never been disappointed with his work! Would definitely recommend!

  • Dustin Monk

    Dustin Monk


    To say Josh Cobb At Rockbot is a recording/producing genius would be an understatement. I’ve been going to Josh for years, not only with my personal projects but with my old band as well. He’s knowledgeable and quick at understanding your direction...which takes away the annoyance that sometimes can occur when the producer doesn’t get your vision. I recommend ANY artist of ANY genre to check Josh out as he is a master at his craft in any genre!

  • Joshua DeSouza

    Joshua DeSouza


    Josh took our track to a whole new level of excellence. He was so knowledgeable and thorough, and surprisingly quick at getting our final product to us. For us there isn’t any other option in the area that we would choose when we know we can get a top quality recording coupled with great service and an all around great experience.

  • Jennifer Real

    Jennifer Real


    Josh is the man for being thorough and getting the job done! I brought in a rough demo and he took care of the Musical technicalities that I just don’t get! WILL BE BACK! Affordable and worth every dollar! He made my song “Give It All” a hit!!! Thank you so much, Josh!

  • en

    Joel Bernkrant


    Working with Josh Cobb is incredible. He is fast, thorough, and very helpful. Josh is a wealth of knowledge on recording techniques and music styles. He is a great engineer and a very effective producer. He works at an incredibly fast pace and you will know exactly how your mix is sounding every step of the way. For any genre of music or recording need Rockbot Studios is always the right choice!

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