Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery w Indianapolis

Stany ZjednoczoneRock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10, West Washington Street, 46204, Indianapolis, Marion County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 317-681-8180
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 39.7673767, Longitude: -86.1585537

komentarze 5

  • Blackstrap Bob

    Blackstrap Bob


    Tried the avocado chicken sandwich and the fish & chips for a weekday lunch. Both were excellent. Our server was also friendly and completely on the ball. Cozy atmosphere. Will definitely go back.

  • Bethany



    A bit pricey (which should be expected as this restaurant is "upscale"); you should expect to pay ~$15 a plate here. But the food is really great, so at least you should know you are getting a good meal for your money. I got the pretzel encrusted chicken (came with mashed potatoes and green beans) and it was delicious. My boyfriend got the stuffed peppers and loved them. The beer is pretty solid too. A handful of choices in a variety of styles. I just wish the atmosphere was a little more "comfortable" and a little less formal. It's a small thing but it felt less cozy than I generally expect breweries to be. Overall, if you're want to go out to slightly fancier establishment and don't mind paying about $15 on a meal and $6 on a 20oz beer this is worth a try! Very good food.

  • Ashley Jensen

    Ashley Jensen


    Started with a sour to drink, very refeshing and satisfying! The appetizer (nachos) were delicious, and the sizzling stuffed peppers were fantastic. I'm stuffed but want more just because it was that good. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Amy Crain


    We took our 18 year old son for a new experience. It was quite enjoyable. I like that my husband was able to sample a couple of beers before making his selection. I'm a very particular fish consumer and I must say their fish was excellent! We went back shortly after with our toddler for Veteran's Day. They were treating Veteran's to a free meal, of the Veteran's choice from the regular menu. Definitely a kind gesture and very much appreciated! I believe they also offer a military discount on all other days, but I'm not completely positive.

  • Christian Heinrich

    Christian Heinrich


    Gute 🌮

najbliższy Restauracja

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