Rocco's Catering en East Rockaway

Estados UnidosRocco's Catering



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71, Main Street, 11518, East Rockaway, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-599-7042
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.640382, Longitude: -73.663567

comentarios 5

  • Conny Torres

    Conny Torres


    Booked this hall for my wedding last week. Nicole, Rocco and Rocky were very helpful. The place looked amazing with all the lights, food was delicious, they worked with our budget and we were able to set up beforehand. Definitely recommend Rocco’s Catering!

  • Rachael



    Having my wedding reception there. Amazing staff!




    I had the pleasure of being the DJ for Michael's Graduation Party here this past Saturday. Beautiful venue! The staff is polite, friendly, and accommodating, and the food was delicious. The lighting, atmosphere, and decor is gorgeous. Thank you for having me! I look forward to visiting another time soon. Search "Michael's Graduation at Rocco's Catering" on YouTube to watch the recap video. – DJ AFINO

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    John Leed


    I attended my brothers wedding a couple of weeks ago here and was amazed by how beautiful the inside of the hall was. My brother along with his now wife had a great time partying their socks off all night. The staff were very friendly and always were there to help all the guests. The food was simply amazing, we had fillet of sole which was by far my favorite dish. Just out of this world. I seriously recommend this catering hall to all, what a great time you will have!!!

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    Tony A


    Was a guest for a sweet 16 a few weeks ago the place was beautiful and the food was hot and delicious. Staff was very friendly and always around. Going to be having my daughters sweet 16 at Rocco Anthony's.

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