Robert W. Frankel, DMD, PC w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneRobert W. Frankel, DMD, PC



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3317, Bainbridge Avenue, 10467, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-547-2833
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Latitude: 40.878454, Longitude: -73.8793732

komentarze 5

  • Jonez Datonetech

    Jonez Datonetech


    This dentist office was the place to be, I've been taking my 10yr old son here for a couple of years and lately, when I come for an appointment at 12:00, why they call you 2 hours later from your appointment, Yes they pissed me all the way off today. They really sucked ass today, and i don't im bringing my son back there. Oh and somebody should check the receptionists urine, bcuz both of them were High on marijuana.....

  • en

    Giovanna Alvarado


    First time bringing my son for his first dentist appointment ever. Really happy with the work they do here. Everyone is extremely nice.

  • en

    eileen vasquez


    2 years late but here it goes.. I switched to this dental office because it was closer to me... After one experience coming I switched back to my old dentist for my kids. The dentist who was working was so unprofessional laughing at a kid who was crying while getting his teeth cleaned.. She was a lady, ghetto as hell... She seemed annoyed with the kids... I just kept looking at her like is she really talking this mess.. The front desk staff and xray technician were very nice to my kids... but once i found out this lady was the doctor I couldnt believe it.. if you dont like kids why are you taking them as patients.. HOPEFULLY she does not still work there... She definitely needs to be fired.... no customer service, no sympathy for the kids, no people skills at all... HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE..HORRIBLE DENTIST!!

  • Justin Narvaez

    Justin Narvaez


    I've been going here since I was a kid. It gets busy at times but if you come in on time for the appointment you'll be seen quick and out quick!

  • en

    Majiya Chai


    The front desk staff is great, polite and professional. However, going upstairs to for an exam is something totally different. The hygienist seemed like she'd rather be any other place but there. Her cleaning was quick and took about 1.5 minutes if that much. She also seemed annoyed by my questions. The place was busy and we waited about an hour before we were seen. My daughter's teeth were cleaned first, then she was seen by the female dentist who is very dour and then she got her xrays taken. The assistants were also complaining in front of patients. Very disorganized and very unprofessional. The dentist seemed annoyed that I had questions for her and wasn't even able to recommend a good toothpaste. Oh, I am sorry. Was I not at a dentist office? I will NEVER bring my child back to this location.

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