Robert S. Broder, PLLC i Oyster Bay

Forenede StaterRobert S. Broder, PLLC



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123, South Street, 11771, Oyster Bay, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-771-0349
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8716864, Longitude: -73.5305859

kommentar 5

  • en

    Stephen Cohen


    Robert has handled my many TM and IP projects for more than 20 years. He's knowledgeable and thorough and I am always grateful for his straight forward advise and followup.

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    Dianne Averill


    I called to ask a quick question and the time he spent giving me advice was more than I could have ever expected! Very impressed!

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    Ryan Perrotti


    I met with Robert in 2015 when we were launching our business and continue to talk with him today. We are in the hair care business and needed our company name and logo trademarked. We also needed our LLC created which Robert did for us. Robert handled all aspects of our trademark in a timely manner and is super knowledgeable.

  • en

    Robert Kane


    Rob is a veteran lawyer who manages a top boutique law practice. Having worked many years at a top tier law firm, he possess a wide range of skills offered at competitive rates. Key skill sets that make him the successful veteran that he is include: 1) Deep knowledge of Intellectual Property law including copyright & trademarks defense. 2) A highly practical approach to potential litigation that results in a Win /Win solution for his clients. I highly recommend Rob.

  • Stall Mates

    Stall Mates


    Robert is the type of trademark lawyer every client wants, and all other lawyers strive to be like. It is no coincidence that all of our trademarks are filed correctly and in a timely manner. We have the utmost respect and admiration for Robert. His skill and hard work is surpassed only by his modesty and compassion. Robert has gone out of his way to teach us about Trademark Law and spent time with me personally on the phone to educate me on the process. I highly recommend Robert for current and future marks! 5 stars. - Kevin Corey, President of GREVIN Products, Inc.

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