Robert Elbogen - State Farm Insurance Agent w Baldwin

Stany ZjednoczoneRobert Elbogen - State Farm Insurance Agent



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1201, Grand Avenue, 11510, Baldwin, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-505-2886
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6811197, Longitude: -73.61412

komentarze 5

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    Danny D


    I can’t say enough about this office. It’s not just about work for them, they really go out of their way to help you and ensure that you’re taken care of. The entire staff is wonderful. They answer all questions very clearly, they carefully listen to your concerns and they genuinely enjoy what they do. I had no experience with insurance but they guided me through every step of the process, put all my options out there and helped me make the best decision. Any time I call for additional help, they promptly address any questions or concerns I have. I highly recommend this office. You won’t regret it.

  • en

    Kelly Cotter


    I had the best experience with James at this agency. He really knows what he’s talking about and wants to give you the very best quote possible. Very honest and hard worker, as he offered to stay late to help me with a quote. Excellent customer service. Highly recommend!

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    Great experience. Worked hard to get me the lowest premium possible. expert knowledge of insurance business

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    Jane Oberman


    I switched from Geico to State Farm about 6 years ago. It's the best decision I made. Exceptional service, great rates and the staff is attentive to all of my requests and needs. I enjoy receiving personalized service and knowing that when I call them, they know who I am and they are there to assist me. A few of my friends have already switched to Robert Elbogen and they are too very happy. I recommend them highly!!

  • en

    alyssa vanslyke


    I've been dealing with this State farm for years. Everyone from the owner to the staff is very kind and honest. Always willing to help. I've never seen such outstanding customer service before. Very knowledgeable about insurance matters.

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