Robert B Goldman w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczoneRobert B Goldman



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1200, High Ridge Road, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-329-2712
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.110178, Longitude: -73.547931

komentarze 5

  • Mark Feinberg

    Mark Feinberg


    Dr Goldman is an incredibly gifted and skilled orthodontist and a wonderfully kind and caring person. His office is top notch as is his team. I would highly recommend him to anyone seeking excellence in orthodontic care!

  • en

    Julia-Scott Johnson


    Dr Goldman and the entire staff are seasoned professionals who cater not just to kids but to anyone who wants leading-edge care and advanced thinking at a competitive price with personable and efficient service. We are thrilled with the work & look forward to visits

  • en

    Ulla Bretschneider


    We've been coming to Dr. Goldman's office for many years now, having two children and one adult in the family who needed braces. For all of us, the results have been outstanding. It has always been a pleasure coming there. The atmosphere is relaxed and fun and you always feel welcome, which is important since orthodontic problems are not quick fixes. The staff is top notch and always there for you with a smile, even when the braces break outside office hours and you need help on a Saturday night or Sunday morning. Also, they have been very helpful in regards to the documentation we needed for insurance claims. Dr. Goldman may not be the cheapest orthodontist, but he is the best!

  • en

    Alison Gerstell


    Dr. Goldman has done a wonderful job with both of my boys' orthodonture. From our first appointment we have been extremely satisfied. The entire office is efficient, timely and kind, not to mention the fact that the boys smiles show a perfect line of straight teeth. I would highly recommend Dr. Goldman and his team to anyone in the area! (And have done so several times already). Keep up the good work and thank you from a happy mom.

  • en

    Marcie McDonald


    Dr. Goldman was great, working above-and-beyond to make sure my son's teeth were perfect after extensive orthodontic needs. He was really professional and did a great job! From the friendly and helpful receptionists to the wonderful staff of Goldman Orthodontics, we were so glad we chose Goldman Orthodontics for this process.

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