RJE Business Interiors i Indianapolis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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621, East Ohio Street, 46202, Indianapolis, Marion County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 317-293-4051
internet side: www.rjebusinessinteriors.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.769249, Longitude: -86.14662

kommentar 5

  • en

    kenny f


  • Mike Russell

    Mike Russell


    Good company, good install crews, nothing but professionalism.

  • Sierra Salerno

    Sierra Salerno


    First off, I just wanna say how amazing the instal crew is, they are very hard working group of men. As far as the office staff goes including Bob Manley and Cindy Hornak they are awful they talk and treat their employees terribly and take advantage of them and are very dishonest and disrespectful to say the least. I am a former customer of RJE business interiors and wil never buy or have them install furniture for my business again. The first time they came out to install some chairs and a table for my office. They not only brought the wrong items they arrived two hours late and stated that that was the time they were given. It wasn’t a big deal at the time because I was leaving the office for a meeting. The office staff were the ones in charge of this delivery I’m assuming since that’s all they do and I didn’t appreciate the lack of attention it was given. Almost like they were in a hurry and just wanted my business. A staff memeber of mine also over heard Bob Manly I believe cursing out an employee because he couldn’t take responsibility for what had transpired. Very unprofessional business. I hope that who ever looks to buy furniture from this business thinks twice before doing so.

  • Josh Harrington

    Josh Harrington


    First of all I would like to say Denny Sponsel has himself a great company. One of their carriers Knoll is top of the line in the furniture business today. I’m personally giving a bad review based on being employed by RJE business interiors. Their operation team Bob Manley, Tim Coulter and Cindy Hornak all lack badly on communication and set themselves on the other side of the wall I would like to call it with the install department. Bob Manley brought me on in May of 2017 with the promise of sky limit potential. It seemed like a pretty good gig, other than the pay which was substantially low hence you had to have your own tools. Anyways, Bob said everything would be just fine and that when my 90 days were up we would talk about benefits and becoming a full time employee. Well it ended up taking 6 months an actual 180 days before Operations got back with myself after sending emails, texts and phone calls only to be pulled into a meeting and gave some drawn out ordeal about a couple tardies that happened in the past. So they extend my 90 days even longer withholding my holiday pay for Thanksgiving and Christmas! I have a family to feed that’s ridiculous, when install crew is late almost everyday. You have guys that I know personally on the install team that do coke every day from the time they get up to when they deliver/install your furniture. Not the most professional crew and honestly they’re kinda careless with the furniture they handle! This is all based on true factual information that I seen with my very own eyes. I hope you choose wisely and consider this information highly credible as I experienced first hand the corruptness that poisons this companies reputution. Also people within the company Lori for example has wrote positive reviews to try, cover up their lies and make the grass look greener on the other side. Always do your research!

  • Kylie Lockett

    Kylie Lockett


    In my opinion, this is the best furniture dealership in town! They know how to do things right! They always go above and beyond in their customer service! Their staff and team are very friendly and very professional!

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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