Rivera Toyota of Mt. Kisco w Mount Kisco

Stany ZjednoczoneRivera Toyota of Mt. Kisco



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325, North Bedford Road, 10549, Mount Kisco, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-666-5181
strona internetowej: www.riveratoyota.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.219111, Longitude: -73.718003

komentarze 5

  • Khusro Elley

    Khusro Elley


    Leasing took just a few hours. I was also able to trade in my old car for a fair price. The fact that it was a Subaru did not matter. I got a better deal on the Subaru then Subaru were willing to give.

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    No pushy salesmen. Everyone we spoke to valued our concerns and personal preferences. Gave us exactly what we were looking for in a great price range. Also a very fair trade in value. We’ll definitely be back in the future!

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    Noelle Psaras


    Excellent experience at Rivera Toyota Of Mount Kisco. From the moment I walked in I was warmly greeted by Liam the manager and given time to explore the car that I was interested in. Liam introduced me to George who answered all of my questions, let me test drive a car and helped to make the deal happen. I was given several options both finance and lease that fit into my budget. Liam thoroughly explained all to me. The business manager Heber was friendly and patient from the moment I entered his office. He answered all of my questions and made sure I understood the contract and paperwork. It was such an easy process working with Liam and George. I highly recommend Toyota of Mt. Kisco. Thanks guys I will be back!!!

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    Jim Booth


    Great buying experience. My salesman George was amazing. He was very patient, and very knowledgeable. The entire staff went out of their way to make me feel welcome. It was a very enjoyable experience. I would highly recommend anyone to stop by Riveria Toyota. Ask for George!

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    Richard Iaboni


    Great experience starting at the initial phone call. Kelly was amazing to work with. I’ve bought/leased 7 new cars in the last 8 years and this was by far the best experience out of all of them. I highly recommend Kelly and the entire staff at Rivera Toyota. Update: after leasing my 4Runner in November and in January my brother was looking for a new pickup truck I put him in touch with Kelly. After one phone call and a quick trip to Rivera Toyota for some paperwork the deal was done. Kelly and the rest of Rivera Toyota exceeded even my expectations. Very straightforward and easy to communicate with. A pleasure to do business with.

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