River Japanese Cuisine i New York

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Forenede StaterRiver Japanese Cuisine



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61-44, Springfield Boulevard, 11364, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 40.7480404, Longitude: -73.7563704

kommentar 5

  • en

    Luis Vegito


    Staff is ok, not bad, could be better, the food is great, the place itself is nice, dim and nice tables 😀

  • Anne Park

    Anne Park


    The food was good but not amazing. I had 3 sushi rolls which were good. My sister had a noodle dish but it was not very flavorful. They do have a great menu and good prices. They also have a buffet menu, which has a great selection of items.

  • en

    Saeed Hossain


    Consistent AYCE sushi buffet, good kitchen menu. Items turn over so that's nice, staples, tuna, salmon, fluke, red snapper, etc always there. Friendly staff, can get very busy weekend evenings after 7, recommend coming early. Small kid friendly too.

  • Andrew De Jesus

    Andrew De Jesus


    I've been going to this all you can eat sushi place for awhile now. They don't always get the orders right, so expect that: either you don't get it or less of it. But, you can always order again so I don't mind it as much. Food is good, sushi is good, service is good. No real complaints.

  • Hansen Castano

    Hansen Castano


    Food is great. Definitely try the snow mountain roll. This place can easily be a 5 stars but the service is so slow and the waiters always forget about you. If the place is empty it's great but when it's busy don't even try coming. I'm writing this review as I'm waiting for my food. It's literally been over 40 minutes just for 1 roll. This is not the first time it's happened it's been multiple occasions as well.

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