Rite Aid w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneRite Aid



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5410, Keeport Drive, 15236, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-655-9455
strona internetowej: locations.riteaid.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.3369894, Longitude: -79.9797361

komentarze 5

  • moni bhandari

    moni bhandari


  • en

    Vicki Flora


    I always shop at this riteaid..all the employees are great but Corrie ALWAYS goes out of her way to say hello/smile and help me with whatever I need. Very professional and your company is lucky to have her.

  • Anthony Christopher

    Anthony Christopher


    I had went to do a money order there on sunday around 5pm. i entered the store and asked the manager if they could do a western union of $100, with an attitude she responded that she didnt have enough money. Which is ridiculous considering how long the stores been open and that they had not made that much in a whole day, and that a manager spoke to me the way she did. I then went through out the store to gather some other products i needed, as i came back to pay the manager was gossiping with her employee,about me and the situation that had just happened, obviously assuming i had left. I then purchased my stuff with the other worker ($30 worth of stuff). I paid with a $100 bill and then asked if they now could do the western union and she responded, "sending or recieving." I said, "sending", she said, " no we cant because were about to close". And i left. It shouldnt matter if im sending or recieving they should be able to do BOTH. The person sending had already PAID! It also shouldnt matter if there closing soon they werent closed yet, they still had 30 minutes. They should be working up until the actual closing time of 6pm, and once agian she had an attitude. I gave them enough money to do the transaction it shouldve been done. But they were to lazy, had poor manners and customer service! Its very disappointing because i live only a few blocks from this store and both me and my husband, go to this store and spend a good portion of our money with this company! I hope its taken care of otherwise i would not want to shop there no more, especially considering thats the type of person you not only hire as an employee but a MANAGER! Thank-you!

  • en

    Melissa Indino


    I get all my prescriptions here and the pharmacy staff is always very helpful and willing to answer all my questions and help with all my needs!!

  • bobby magoo

    bobby magoo


    This is a nice well organized rite aid the pharmacy is on point and fast & the employees are very helpful.

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