Rite Aid w Memphis

Stany ZjednoczoneRite Aid



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4642, Quince Road, 38117, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 901-685-9368
strona internetowej: locations.riteaid.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.091951, Longitude: -89.90744

komentarze 5

  • Michael Carter

    Michael Carter


    Lady at door forced me to leave my backpack by the front door.

  • en

    Chris Taylor


    Asked me to leave my backpack with valuables at front of store. I drive a jeep it doesn't lock. Obviously there's a theft issue but why the woman after me with a purse that's bigger than my backpack is allowed to walk through the store, I don't understand. It would appear to me the employee discriminated against me because of my age or skin color.

  • n john

    n john


    This store is neat clean and little to no traffic. Cool staff.

  • en

    JC Lott


    Allow me to paraphrase this long comment. Advertised things were not stock and the employees were too busy to get home to help or make sure that I was able to check out with my other items. Although I came in late (30 minuntes before closing) my pregnant wife was in need of toilet paper and there was a BOGO on toilet paper. Anybody that's had to deal with a pregnant wife can probably relate to the multiple bathroom rushes...and hormones. After going up and down the aisles I couldn't locate the product advertised. The employees made a great effort to NOT be available as upon seeing me they practically ran away. I gave up on the tp to at least redeem myself with the beef jerky. There was a couple in front of me applying for a card. They were more than happy to let check out before them yet the cashier was adamant that I had to wait my turn and there wouldn't be enough time before they closed. We've been patrons for the past two years and it's alway a hit or miss. Upon my arrival home my wife called to inquire if the tp advertised was possibly still in stock in the back. She was happy when the manager Pam answered the phone but Pam ended up ending the call mid conversation. Trust me when I say that my very pregnant wife is capable of flipping over the smallest thing but was extremely polite. After trying to call back they made a point of rejecting calls. After calling another location and reciving amazing service we will no longer be patrons of the Quince store.

  • en

    Regina Smith


    Customer service in pharmacy area is great, Always greets you with a smile and if you are a regular customer they know your name. That makes the customer feel special.

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