Rite Aid w Lyndhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneRite Aid



🕗 godziny otwarcia

441, Valley Brook Avenue, 07071, Lyndhurst, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-935-1338
strona internetowej: locations.riteaid.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8115188, Longitude: -74.1230818

komentarze 5

  • en

    Marykate Kuruc


    Very helpful pharmacist. Thanks so much very kind

  • en

    prisca lee


    The pharmacist Dustin or Justin was very rude and treated me like he was doing me a favor by looking up my information and prescription after he couldn’t find me in the system initially. In the past, about a year ago, this same pharmacist gave me two extra pills for a schedule II narcotic prescription that I returned to him out of courtesy and understanding for his mistake as a medical professional. I reminded him of this incident to which he said “it could have happened” and walked away before even establishing the conversation to be over. The rest of the staff in store and behind the pharmacy has always been wonderfully accommodating but after experiencing his dismissive and condescending attitude towards me as a customer who frequents this store overall, I no longer wish to use this pharmacy to fill any future prescriptions. Not only does Dustin seem incompetent as a pharmacy professional to fill serious prescriptions accurately, he is also terrible with customer service and will lose you customers.

  • en

    Deb Eckert


    Since.new Mgr. Its HELPFUL and FRIENDLY. I've changwd and switched to this store

  • Millie Estrada

    Millie Estrada


    They never have the prescription ready. So far this store is the worst. I even have my dr call in my prescription and wait at least 2hr before picking up my prescription and they still failed to have the prescription ready. Due to my experience i rather take my business somewhere else.

  • Rebeka loli

    Rebeka loli


    Some cashier come to work with they personal problems means attitude that's the reason I recommend CVS or Walgreens

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