RISE Coffee i New York

Forenede StaterRISE Coffee



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87, Orchard Street, 10002, New York, New York County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 646-400-0410
internet side: risebrewingco.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.717978, Longitude: -73.990487

kommentar 5

  • Will McClelland

    Will McClelland


    Great tasting coffee from a company from the Lower East Side

  • Marta Bralic

    Marta Bralic


    I am addicted to RISE - it's actually ruined all other cold brews for me because it is so much richer. I love the routine of having it every morning and highly recommend the Orchard or Stanton Street Cafes - fun vibe, great coffee, and fast, which is what you need in the morning!

  • Lian Weise

    Lian Weise


    Love this place! This is definitely my favorite cold brew. I've been to the other location and this one is just as good. Love that I can drink it without needing to put any milk or sweetener in it (tastes great by itself). Will be coming back here often.

  • en

    Timur Kalimov


    AMAZING Coffee. It's upended my entire coffee ritual and I love it. I live right around the corner and I literally drink it every single day. The taste is smooth, creamy, and *consistent*! It was the first Nitro Cold Brew I tried so I just assumed it was the Nitro part that made it taste so good, but I've recently tried a few others and it's highlighted to me just how good Rise's coffee actually is. Anyway, I love it. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Maddie Ticknor


    Such good coffee, I'll never go for another type of cold brew again! Smooth and creamy, and the blood orange is a genius way to bring a touch of sweet into a rich beverage. Great space, too : )

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