Rie + Ryn in Chappaqua

Vereinigte StaatenRie + Ryn



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Montag24 stunden geöffnet
Dienstag24 stunden geöffnet
Mittwoch24 stunden geöffnet
Donnerstag24 stunden geöffnet
Freitag24 stunden geöffnet
Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
Sonntag24 stunden geöffnet
205, Millwood Road, 10514, Chappaqua, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 914-565-2567
webseite: www.rieandryn.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.187667, Longitude: -73.786937

kommentare 1

  • en

    avi shushan


    The fusion of Yoga and Music went hand in hand and enhanced every experience. They realized it was music that drove them and everyone else around them. Flowing to Jay-Z and down dogging to Cold Play with the perfect Lennon shivasana, couldn’t be better preparation for their daily regimen. They decided to inject fashion into this concept as a way of expressing their passion for it and a unique and innovative layering line for women was born, that fused music and movement. The idea is for anyone who wears our brand to feel free and sexy and stand out while standing in. You can wear rie + ryn to a hot yoga class and take it off just when the room heats up or tear it off on the spin bike and throw it back on right before the lights come on. Most likely, you’ll see Carrie and Taryn rocking’ their shirts with skinnies and stilettos. It’s all about the balance.

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