Ridgewood, NJ en Ridgewood

Estados UnidosRidgewood, NJ


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575, New Jersey 17, 07450, Ridgewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1
sitio web: www.megabus.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9912197, Longitude: -74.0953296

comentarios 5

  • Debbie Richards

    Debbie Richards


    Bus drove away with son's luggage in under-storage. Contacted MegaBus repeatedly so we could pick it up prior to leaving east coast. They insisted we wait for response to the online form and ultimately STOLE his luggage and significant amount of cash. It was the last drop off of the night, and either the bus driver took it home or Megabus' Lost/Found Dept rummaged through it and took what they wanted. Poor and dishonest service.

  • en

    Vijayakumar Krishnaswamy


    Where is the 10:15 bus from Ridgewood to Albany? It's 11:04 and still not here. Lots of people waiting in the cold. No water, no heat, no bathroom facilities, no phone number to call and find out why the 10:15 bus did not come. Where is the service?

  • Genevieve Kelly

    Genevieve Kelly


    The Albany NY line has been an hour plus late every time I've ridden it. Most recently the bus I was riding was over booked and they had to call a second bus. The bus I was then on broke down and I got to my destination 3 hours after the intended arrival and they didn't replace the bus the brought the bus full of people to the repair station and has us all wait on the bus while it was repaired. Totally unacceptable and they would not confirm that I would be refunded for this massive inconvenience.

  • en

    Margarita Pochy


    this bus company is always on time and drive very good!

  • Kevin Hersh

    Kevin Hersh


    Safety for people is not relevant here when traveling North. You're in the shoulder with speeding traffic rocking your car if you wait until your loved one is on the bus. Ignore the blaring horns, those are cars pissed at you for stopping on a curve in the shoulder. #christie #deathonthehighway #pathetic

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