Richard Weaver & Associates w Keller

Stany ZjednoczoneRichard Weaver & Associates



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9500, Ray White Road, 76244, Keller, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-369-5200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.9120697, Longitude: -97.2717454

komentarze 5

  • en

    Stacy Feeley


    Weaver Law firm was extremely helpful throughout the process of filing bankruptcy. As our debt accumulated we found ourselves unable to keep up financially. Bankruptcy was a scary decision but each associate with this firm made the process easy. Taj and Robert helped with answering all of our questions. Then at the office Samantha and Erica helped with the paperwork and explained everything and were very patient. At the filing we met with Taj, Erica, and Mr. Weaver. Again they were informative and answered all questions without rushing even though they were very busy. We cannot say enough good things about Weaver and Associates! SF & BF

  • Joy C. Avery

    Joy C. Avery


    Throughout a tough time in my life the attorney's office and staff were available to me. I never called and failed to get an answer. Seamless, professional and accurate!

  • en

    Amanda McDaniel


    Thanks so much for helping me out! Taj has definitely put my mind at ease! I will definitely be coming to ya'll in the very near future! Thanks again so much for everything!

  • en

    Richard hill


    Richard Weaver & Assosiates took my phone call at anytime of day or night. I had been informed of every step that needed to be taken by myself and wife which made the process streamlined. When calling into the office or everyone knew who i was and did everything they could to get my questions answered without making me wait. As for the hearing, that part was very easy with a lawyer that is comfortable with what he is doing. The firm all in all is a great firm and I would recommend anyone to them if they were needing a bancrupcy. I would rate higher if i could.

  • en

    Shawna Mckay


    The whole firm absolutely a delight to work.with.Taj made me feel extremely.comfortable on my first phone call to set up.consultation. Doug,and the gentlemen.with the glasses,I'm sorry cant remember name very very nic. Pete, very nice phone.calls as all did,when.I had questions. I had a lot of questions in beginning. Mr Weaver is very easy to be around not intimidating as some lawyers,that really made me feel the bankruptcy hearing,not to mention that is all this firm does. Summer also very easy polite earth gal.She was so helpful made me feel at ease..You will not be disappointed.if you hire Richland Weaver firm. They counseled with one another to make Sure they were giving me the best advise for my bankruptcy case,as mine was a.little complex.That gave me great them.

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